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Big Brother Big Sister Program

קוד תוכנית בגפ"ן:  15484

The "Big Brothers Big Sisters" program is a long-term mentoring program for children and adolescents aged 6 to 18 years, who are at risk and in need of a supportive and meaningful adult figure in their lives. The Big Brother or Big Sister are a role model, someone with whom they can develop social skills, hobbies, someone who listens attentively, and someone they can rely on when needed. The program provides long-term support through personal mentoring and individual and group social activities.

The target audience of the program is children and adolescents aged 6 to 18, who are identified as at-risk and in need of emotional and social support.

The process begins with a referral from the family's social services, followed by an assessment by a professional who accompanies the child or the family and recognizes the need for personal mentoring from a Big Brother or a Big Sister.

The program welcomes children and adolescents regardless of religion, race or gender, aiming to provide support to an increasing number of beneficiaries.

Two Hours a Week Can Change Lives

Who stood by your side? Dad? Mom? A Big Brother or Big Sister? It's almost taken for granted that someone was there for us when we were kids. But there are thousands of children whose reality is different. Without a responsible and supportive adult figure, they are forced to navigate life on their own.

And the result? Feelings of loneliness, diminished self-confidence, difficulty integrating into society and increased exposure to negative influences.

At the Big Brothers Big Sisters of Israel (non-profit), we connect Big Brothers and Big Sisters with children in need of guidance and support. This can be achieved through conversation, activities or shared games. Over time, the presence of the Big Brothers and Big Sisters and the relationships developed between them and their mentees create a real change in the young siblings' self-worth and their lives in general. Additionally, the adult Big Brothers and Big Sisters feel that volunteering allows them to express their skills and values, making their volunteering especially meaningful.

We believe that volunteering should integrate into your daily life, allowing you to give wholeheartedly and enjoy the journey. Hence, meetings are held once a week for two hours. The cumulative effect of these interactions will surprise you every time.

Join us

Throughout your volunteering period, we will accompany you and be available for any questions and requests. The support includes ongoing counseling, workshops, professional training, communication channels with other volunteers and everything that will enable you to make the process more meaningful.

Dana captured my heart from the moment we met. I'm really happy about the match. A huge success 🥰

We love to go on walks together, wander around the mall, watch movies, and just chat :)

Merav, Big Sister Mentor

*All the pictures on the page are real pictures taken during happy moments between the Big Brothers and Big Sisters adults and their young siblings, sent to us for various publications. In order to protect the privacy of those photographed, we decided nevertheless to change their names and faces using AI software. The original pictures are stored in the system ;)

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