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Purple Podiums

Our stories

Tyran and Eyal

Each of us has our own inner melody. Sometimes we choose to share our music with someone and come listen to theirs. Get to know Tiran and Eyal who play our heartstrings.

Alon and Nathan

Meet Alon and Nathan from Ashkelon who just recently joined us

As soon as Alon and Nathan met, the connection between them was immediate. They played soccer together, got to know each other and thought together about what they would like to do for their next meetings.

We wish you much success!

Daniel and Yoav

The rain and cold did not deter Daniel and Yoav. They dressed very hot and very red (really, really red, including the umbrella) to cheer on the Ha'Poel Tel-Aviv soccer team. Here are the results: two smiles and one particularly red selfie.

Maya and Nofar

On our birthday we usually prefer to be surrounded by family and friends who love us. Maya, the younger sister celebrated this happy day in the company of Nofar, her Big Sister. We wish good fortune to everyone celebrating a birthday soon.

David and Yuval

Yuval's Big Brother, David, went abroad to visit his family, so Yuval surprised him with a shirt. A true holiday gift...

Tal and Guy

What fun it is to find someone who likes the same things you like, and wants to do them together. Meet Tal and Guy, who found a common hobby and enjoy every moment.

Elad and Shlomi

Two hours a week, that's what we need, says our slogan. But real life is neither a slogan on a website nor a campaign to recruit volunteers. When a Big Brother has been accompanying his younger brother for four years, he is at every intersection and every lane. And when Elad finishes a track, Shlomi is right there, waiting for him at the end of it.

Purple Podiums

Brothers and Sisters Share

Omer and Yaniv

Meet Omer and Yaniv, a duo from Givatayim for some time now, the relationship that was formed between them is completely life changing! During this period, Yaniv has served as a reserve-duty fighter but did not forget Omer from behind. When he got few hours off, he suggested that Omer join him for a walk, with his wife, the baby and the dog, in order to see him and spend time with him through he only had a few hours at home!

"Today marks our 4 year anniversary!"

"I found Big Brothers Big Sisters of Israel through the local newspaper. I was looking for something for myself that would give me some added value in life and I came across their ad. I called, met with representatives for an interview and I was accepted! They told me that I should commit to a year and later we'll see what happens. Today I'm marking 4 years with my younger sister!.

I started accompanying her when she entered the first grade and I can't believe how time has passed and now she is already in the fourth grade... The truth is that already in the first year I invited her to my house. Since then we were mostly at my house because she was comfortable in my house and she didn't want to go anywhere. Later we started going to other places such as the library, an amusement park and more. She loved being at my house, because there was always a lot of warmth and love there for her. We would hug a lot and she felt from me and my husband that she had a supportive home to be in. The association spoiled us all the time with vouchers for all kinds of places of entertainment and restaurants and this greatly enriched our outings.

At first she did not have much confidence and did not participate in the meetings of the association. Even on Hanukkah and Purim when all the children participated. We were recently at a robotics class and I saw her, full of confidence, present and participating a lot. When we would return home she always told me that she enjoyed these meetings. What fun it is to know that I was able to bring her to places that she enjoys! I recently brought her a camera and together we take pictures, something she really likes to do.

Despite the events of the past year, that followed the events of the COVID-19 pandemic and the difficulty of only talking through video calls, we maintained telephone contact as much as possible. We are also in contact with another pair of Brothers from the association and spend time with them when possible. I was surprised that the young sister told me about an experience she remembers to this day, from about three years ago. It was as part of the Maccabiah events when we went to the meeting in Kinneret - she remembers it to this day as a particularly enjoyable event."

My relationship with Aviv is definitely a Big Brother-Little Brother relationship. I help him program, we travel, play football and talk a lot. It took a while for him to share very personal things with me, and when he did, it made me very happy.

Dan, Big Brother mentor

In the middle of July 2013, I met David, a 5.9 year old blue-eyed boy, just before starting first grade. From there on, for 10 years, we forged an amazing bond and a connection of shared experiences, sports activities, trips, ice creams in the port, a connection to football and games of Maccabi Tel Aviv, and endless shared pastimes. A bond of affection, concern, friendship, personal conversations, consultations and glimpses of adolescence. David is a part of my life today and I am a part of his.

Avi, Big Brother mentor

Purple Podiums

Computer for Every Mentee

In 2020, in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, we collected and distributed dozens of computers to children and teenagers from all over the country who did not have computers - with the aim of enabling continued contact with their Big Brothers and Sisters, and allowing them to participate in distance learning.

Our dedicated volunteer Hana, tells her story

"I didn't come at the Big Brothers Big Sisters of Israel by chance. I was looking to volunteer in an association that has a significant impact on the future of children who need this support.

During the days of the "computer for every child" project, I had the privilege of establishing and getting to know an array of lovely people with big hearts who donated their time, energy and resources so that there wouldn't be a single child left for whom the only thing separating him from getting an education is a computer.

Through the outstanding cooperation of our lovely volunteers, the team of coordinators and the association's employees - under the leadership of the association's amazing CEO, Nati, I was excited to see how the project grew and how the computers that reached the families through the volunteers, made entire families and many children very happy. I would like to thank all the volunteers for their hard work and the association that allowed me to take part in the it."

Galit and I meet on Sundays. At our last meeting we sat drinking hot-chocolate and Galit told me "Today they asked me at school what I want to be when I grow up and I told them I want to be a teacher, like you."

I was not ready for this at all, I was so excited - this sentence by Galit filled my heart.

Galit has a rare syndrome characterized by a developmental delay and a diagnosis on the autistic spectrum, she is an amazing 11-year-old girl and the queen of the neighborhood - everyone knows and loves her, she smiles with her big blue eyes and says hello to acquaintances as well as to new people, loves to make conversation, dance, sing, walk with dogs and play.

We've been together for a year and a half, it started with trips to the Meir Park and spending time playing games and continued to occasional Friday dinners, birthdays and holidays. Galit is an inspiration to me, she paints the world for me with her natural joy, emphasizes to me the great pleasure in the simple things, and introduced me to her amazing and loving family - my second family, here in Tel Aviv. The volunteering and the association, which is the envelope for all this good, brought meaning to my Sundays and in general, I am grateful for the special connection that the association created and for the privilege I have to be a part of Galit's life.

Dana, Big Sister Mentor

We celebrated Maor's 10th birthday together at a karting track in Haifa.

Maor "fell in love" with karting recently (following me), took a course there and started going to the class. Sometimes we go there and go karting together. Great fun.

The attached photo was taken at a cave in Nahal Ma'arat, near Haifa, we took a little trip there.

Alex, Big Brother mentor

Dana got into my heart from the first moment we met. I'm really happy about this pairing. An amazing success 🥰

We like to travel together, walk around the mall, watch movies and just chat :)

Merav, Big Sister mentor

Every meeting I have with Dolev is an adventure, because the connection between us was really so quick and fun, but if we take a moment to refer to the cool things we did, then there is a moment when we went to see a sunset at the beach and collected seashells and we had a good conversation, and from there we went out to eat. In that situation we both realized how much fun we have together and how comfortable we feel with each other.

Dolev and I are very similar especially because we both love arts and crafts, so in one of the meetings I brought us materials to make jewelry, and we just made all kinds of trinkets, but the most important and cool thing was that we made a friendship bracelet. A few days ago I found out that Dolev's braclet broke, it's a bummer, but we will fix it soon!

Shani, Big Sister mentor

In every meeting we have with each other, we like to engage in something new, creative and fun. For example drawing, coloring, making bracelets and also tinkering with slime.

We also like to walk in the city together, so from time to time we enjoy a walk in the gardens in the city.

Adva, Big Sister mentor

I met Aviv about three years ago, a smiling and intelligent boy, who was looking for a friend to play with, travel with and laugh with.

Aviv's knowledge is endless and I look forward to meeting him to have more experiences.

We like to play soccer together, go to the playground, the pool and the beach, and just stay at home on cold days and play board games. Most of all we like to play and tell each other jokes.

Today Aviv has already grown up and is 9 years old and the long journey he has made is evident in every meeting. He is more mature, more responsible but still likes to play like any other child his age.

I hope we continue to be there for each other for a long time to come.

Ronen, Big Brother mentor

Join Us

Become partners of a Big Brother and a Big Sister in Israel and help us make a difference in the lives of children, teenagers and young people all over the country

*All the photos on the page are real photos that were taken in happy moments between the older siblings and the younger siblings and were sent to us for various publications. In order to protect the privacy of the people photographed, we still decided to change their names and faces with the help of Ai software. The original images are saved in the system ;)

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